Sciatic Pain and symptoms

Sciatic Pain and symptoms 

The Pain That Never Goes away 
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Where is the sciatic nerve located in the human body?

Sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the dominant nerve that innervates the lower back and the lower extremities. It travels from the lower spine, through the pelvis, and down each leg. It is the longest and widest nerve in the human body.

What is the cause of sciatic nerve pain?

A variety of lower back conditions may lead to sciatica. Most commonly, a lumbar herniated disc will cause sciatic nerve pain. Other common disorders that cause sciatic pain include lumbar degenerative disc disease, spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, or osteophytes and arthritis in the spine

How long does it take for sciatica to go away?

Chronic sciatica (long-term) Chronic sciatica, on the other hand, may require physical therapy, which can include exercise, applied heat, and other techniques. In rare cases, surgery might be required. Chronic sciatica persists for  years it doesn't go way i wouldn't advice surgery it might make it worst so no to surgery

What can you do for sciatica?

    6 Natural Treatments for Sciatic Nerve Pain. ...
    Chiropractor Spinal Adjustments. ...
    Yoga and Stretching. ...
    Acupuncture and Massage Therapy. ...
    Avoid Sitting for Long Periods, Get Moving! ...
    Use Heating Pads. ...
    Reduce Inflammation.

Leg Pain why does it hurt here is why

Sciatica pain is often secondary to compression or inflammation of a spinal nerve. When the pain radiates down the back of the leg to the calf or foot, it would in lay terms be described as sciatica. This type of pain is often deep and steady, and can usually be reproduced with certain activities and positions, such as sitting or walking.

    The pain usually follows the involved dermatome in the leg - the area of distribution of the leg covered by the specific nerve. When a nerve at the L4-5 or L5-S1 level is affected (bottom two levels), this dermatome is usually the sciatic nerve, which runs down the back of each leg to the foot.

What is sciatic nerve pain like?

Types of Sciatic Nerve Pain.  sciatica symptoms one feels—such as nerve pain, numbness, tingling, weakness—are highly variable: they can include symptoms primarily felt in the buttock, or in the back of the thigh down to the calf, or even into the toes.
